1: Lapas Lazuli
2: Orange Jasper
3: Orange Jasper
4: Lapus Lazuli
5: Gold Jasper
6: Pink Jasper
7: Red Jasper
8: Lapus Lazuli
9: Blue Agate
Gemstone Meanings
Lapas Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli has many healing properties. This pretty indigo and gold gemstone is known for cleansing the throat and third eye chakras and can be used to ward off psychic attacks. As a stone geared towards wisdom and communication. Lapis Lazuli can also help connect you to clarity, integrity, and intuition.
Orange Jasper: Orange Jasper has the meaning and properties to keep away negative energy. It is a useful gemstone as an amulet against evil since ancient times. Red jasper a stone that brings balance, stamina, courage, and the inner strength of a warrior.
Yellow (Gold) Jasper: Yellow Jasper gives us calm courage to deal with whatever life gives us, it helps us pursue our goals, and does this in the calmest manner. Yellow Jasper inspires us to take our creative ideas and put them into action. And then shows us where we can live in harmony.
Pink Jasper: This is believed to help align the body and soul, infusing us with the feeling of unconditional love. It is a stone that is great for those who are seeking a sense of balance and inner peace.
Red Jasper: It is a stone of strength and courage. It offers a fiercely protective energy. It can help us feel safe and secure enough in our physical selves that we dare to explore our spiritual selves more fully. It helps us speak honestly. Red Jasper is a stone of discipline and focus.
Blue Agate: Blue Agate is believed to help individuals to express themselves clearly and confidently, and to promote effective communication with others. Blue agate is also said to enhance mental clarity, improve decision-making skills, and increase focus and concentration. It is said to promote feelings of calm and inner peace, and to reduce stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.